Saw anything new in my blog? No? WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN??
So, there's a new background featuring Emilie Autumn, a fair warning and Georgia Lass, from the tv show "Dead Like Me" (which is great. You should watch it.) And I also changed the colors and put some new gadgets (now you can find me anywhere in the internet and you can see the subjects I've been talking the most). Does it actually matter? Not really, but I'm quite happy with the final result. The little things that make the human being happy...
Tomorrow there's a costume party at school and I'll go as a cuisine chef. Yep. I haven't thought of anything else. Ok, I thought I could dress up as a whore, but whores don't have a costume anymore. They look pretty normal nowadays. And also, I've thought going as a psychopat. But they also look pretty normal! So, a chef is fair enough.
At the moment, I'm listening to Humanwine, a great punk cabaret band. Amazing how I love bands who sound like cabaret. I probably was born in the 1920s, this age amazes me as fuck. It was so... wonderful.
I'll go now to my therapy, which is called Photoshop. I'll do some manipulations, and if I'm in the mood, I'll post them later.