I didn't know what could I post here today. But then some dangerous information came into my filthy hands and my sarcasm needs something to rely on. Shall we play a game?
Have no clue? Forget about the guy in leather jacket, he is unimportant and I don't care about who he is. Ok, I'm a good soul, so I'm going to say...
He is Johnny Depp. YES, the ultra talented and sexy Johnny Depp, while working in 21 Jump Street. Oh, the maturity was kind with him...
Next game: who is the brunet girl with grey shirt?
Now, the reason to my post...
Yes. You know you can't belive it. Neither did I when I saw this gif.
YES. It is Alexander Skarsgard. In Zoolander. Eight years ago.
Thank God it is past...
Good night. I'll need time to swallow such... such... such... such...
With no words, from the Asylum FWVG, block B, cell E13, Inmate A,
PS: Speaking about blonde guys, this little cutie was Eminem. God, WHY ARE YOU GUYS DOING THIS WITH ME?
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