Seriously. My school has many issues - and so must have yours. But something is to say that you're school "thinks about the future" and such stuff when you disagree with almost everything. I might be going too deep for just a few words about a course, however, I felt like selling my soul just to look good to the coordinator. I hate kissing people's ass, but what was I supposed to do
? Saying "NO BITCH I WON'T WRITE YOU ONE DAMN WORD"? I'm my polite... oh well I try
best to be. So I wrote, all of that words. How my school prepare us for the future and all that crap you must be figuring out. There are just some words, right? Well, funny thing I'm saying, considering that I mean all the words I regularly say.
The thing is: I must cooperate. I chose a profession in which I'll have to convince people to buy my products, convince them that my product is better than his. That's the world of advertising.
So I shall make an statement right now: in my personal life, I'll mean every word. All of them matter to me because most of the time they are all I have. But in my business life, I shall use them to beat the other. The world is all about that, right?
Another statement of maximum importance: Alexander Skarsgård is LOVE!
? Saying "NO BITCH I WON'T WRITE YOU ONE DAMN WORD"? I'm my polite... oh well I try
best to be. So I wrote, all of that words. How my school prepare us for the future and all that crap you must be figuring out. There are just some words, right? Well, funny thing I'm saying, considering that I mean all the words I regularly say.
The thing is: I must cooperate. I chose a profession in which I'll have to convince people to buy my products, convince them that my product is better than his. That's the world of advertising.
So I shall make an statement right now: in my personal life, I'll mean every word. All of them matter to me because most of the time they are all I have. But in my business life, I shall use them to beat the other. The world is all about that, right?
Another statement of maximum importance: Alexander Skarsgård is LOVE!
He is Swedish actor and director (directors are sexy. Ok, not all of them, but the act of directing a whole movie for me it's very appealing. Shows intelligence.) and plays the ultra sexy Eric, in True Blood. If anyone of True Blood producers are hearing me (what I doubt endlessly), I suggest a spin-off, with Eric as main character. I need him! I want him! Because seriosly: who else deserves more a spin-off than Eric? Ok, ok, enough of my crazyness as a fan. But I'm not the only one. Lady Gaga, the pretty discrete singer, made a video with him! Not THAT kind of video you perv. ¬¬ It's the music video for the song "Paparazzi". And she said in an interview that he was a good kisser. She dresses up in frog clothing, but she ain't stupid.
Evidence of the crime:
Alexander Skarsgård as Eric Northman
Lady frog Gaga
Nothing else needs to be said...
With love, from the Asylum FWVG and from my dad's laptop,
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