I'm everything a model can NOT be. I'm short, i'm a little bit overweighted, i'm ginger, i have freckles and i'm a little bit squint (probably after a long day...)
BUT life is a funny little bitch, so I'll be a model for one day. Specifically speaking, on thursday.
My hair dresser invited me because I'm the only ginger she knows, so I'll be the model for a woman specialized in fashion to speak about.... fashion! Don't know if I made my point, but there is the thing: I'll be standing there and she will say what matches or not with me. And lots of people - ok, ok, you won- not so lots of people will see me.
I decided to reopen this little blog because I felt like doing it. And I'll change its look. It's too... white for me.
And I shall update this post later. In half an hour, I'll know if I have the honor to be a university student or not. I hope this update is positive. Keep your fingers crossed.
With Love from the Asylum FWVG (where else I could be?) , Block B, Cell E13, Inmate A,
PS: YES! I PASSED!!!!!!!!!
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